Saturday 6 August 2011

NS-2 Wireless Trace Format Takes More Space

I tried NS-2 wireless trace format as I needed to test python scripts which does not work on old wireless format. The same tcl file is used to generate new trace. When then old format is used, trace file size is 6,113 KB. It becomes 14,801 KB in the case of new trace. It is more than 2 times. It is probably the best to use the old format if the resource is limited. I did not do a proper research as I did was create a tcl file, use both trace files, compare sizes.

Friday 22 July 2011

NS-2 New Wireless Trace Format

When a wireless simulation is run, the trace format of it is set to old wireless format by default. If there is a need to use the new wireless format, it should be specified in the .tcl file. The following code is to use the new trace format in wireless scenarios.

$ns use-newtrace

Just a note.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Cygwin's confirmation

When I exit Cygwin in Windows XP Pro, I am sometimes confirmed whether I am going to terminate batch job. Though, it does not always ask, I would like to get rid of that confirmation. After googling, it is found that making a new shortcut or modifying the existing shortcut to

C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i



In case you are going to make a new shortcut, the icon to cygwin locates under %SystemDrive%\cygwin\Cygwin.ico.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Installing ns 2.34 in Ubuntu 10.04

Ubuntu 10.04 or Lucid Lynx has newer gcc version which gcc 4.4.3. It is not compatible with otcl. It needs gcc 4.3 to be compiled successfully. So, modifying in otcl-1.13 folder solved my problem.
Change the code in
From this
CC = @CC@
to this
CC = gcc-4.3

Hope it helps for otcl problems in installing ns 2.34 on Ubuntu 10.04.